What has MHFGA done for our local area in 2024?
- Held an Event at the Seven Persons Community Hall, atracted over 300 visitors.
- Land Ambassador Program – monitor and clean up local area Pheasant Release propertes
- Pheasant Feeder Program – ofer pheasant feeders to local areas to assist in winter survival rates
- Volunteers assisted in local area antelope fencing
- Cleaned up Sauder Reservoir pheasant release locaton – Over 2 fatbeds of garbage removed
- Donated funds to the Sage Grouse Flats property by Manyberries
- Donated funds for replantng of ACA property by Manyberries
- The Medicine Hat Club as well ofers the Hunter Educaton Course , free for local area youth
What Will We Do in 2025
- Event at Seven Persons Community Hall March 8, 2025– scheduled Horn Scoring /Vendors/Silent Aucton/Presentatons – Rafe of Beef packages
- Extend locatons of Land Ambassador Program
- Increase locatons of Pheasant Feeders
- Clean up another Pheasant Release locaton and local fshing reservoir
- Implement the Coyote Management Incentve Program
- Support and partcipate in Antelope and Mule Deer Collaring project
- Contnue to Volunteer for Antelope Fencing
- Contnue to ofer free Hunter Educaton Course for youth
- Donate funds for local area land purchases and land reclamaton/enhancement E-mail([email protected]) MHFGAmemberswillcollecttheitems;Fundsare used for the above projects and initatves. Please donate, the MHFGA supports your local area community. The MHFGA is a local organization: focussed on conservation and the betterment of outdoor activities and outdoor enthusiasts. Thank you for your support !